Saturday 28 February 2009

Journey Home

Final day - sad my adventure is nearly over. It's been a memorable trip with highs and lows, a wonderful experience. Gearing up for the marathon return journey.

Yvonne's flight Malaysia to Heathrow has now left Kuala Lumpur. Expected late at 06:28, Sunday morning. (scheduled 05:25) At least Paul and the kids get an extra hour in bed :-)

Friday 27 February 2009


Enjoyed a hearty breakfast then went on a planned excursion to see more spectacular temples at Ankor Wat, we travelled 2 by 2 on tuk tuks (motor bikes with carriages). The scenery there is absolutely breathtaking. After lunch, by the hotel pool, I tried my hand at haggling at the local street market...really enjoyed it - negotiated some "quality" tat ! Evening started with birthday cocktails (kindly supplied by Brian). Had meal at karaoke restaurant. Quite surreal....prepared own food on gas ring whilst listening to appalling singing by Japanese staff. So tacky it was hilarious ! Later we returned the favour....the girls sang a lovely rendition of "I will survive"...

Thursday 26 February 2009

Passed the finish line !

Another very early start, up at 05:30 (as per usual). Started our final ride today after a bus transfer. We completed our gruelling schedule, although I felt I had a lot more cycling left in me. After our celebratory lunch we were shown an amazing temple which we clambered over and around. Finally we were bussed to Siem Reap to our luxurious accommodation. A short time later we were all enjoying a well earned drink in the swimming pool !

An easier day tomorrow, sightseeing at Angkor Wat.

Once again - Thanks for everyone who has shown their support for me and Alzheimer's Society.

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Kompong Cham to Kompong Thom

I managed to cycle 104km today between Kompong Cham and Kompong Thom. Got off to a flying start then unfortunately missed out 6km due to a puncture. It has been extremely hot and I feel pretty dehydated. However our wonderful team leader says "it's the effort you put in, not the distance". I'm still gutted though ! Looking forward to tomorrow for the final day of cycling and the finish line !

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Into Cambodia

Today we visited a buddhist temple and afterwards started the ride. It was the most challenging day so far. However I cycled all 112km despite temperatures approaching 40C. I feel exhausted but hopefully by tomorrow I will be ready for a similar distance.

Monday 23 February 2009

To the Border

Cycled 80km today. Feel suprisingly good despite extreme heat and humidity. Early morning we visited the Caodai temple - certainly had the wow factor for decadence. Then biked from Tay Ninh to the Cambodian border. Many children waved and shouted hello as we cycled by, we felt like celebrities.

Sunday 22 February 2009

First day cycling

This afternoon we all completed our first day of cycling. I felt quite comfortable during the ride keeping a steady pace. I'm now feeling tired but relieved. Luckily the temperature wasn't as hot as it could have been due to cloud. Morning was spent at Cu Chi Tunnels. I managed to climb along one of the tunnels.